Have you ever eaten a salad and truly been amazed at how vibrant and colorful it was? Have you ever taken a minute to step outside and genuinely appreciate the beauty of the scenes surrounding you? The crisp blades of grass, the thorny rose bush, or even a simple vine wrapping itself up and around a tree all have a natural beauty to them that is truly like no other. One element that contributes to this natural vibrance of plants is something called Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring pigment in plants that is responsible for light absorption, giving plants their energy to grow and thrive. This magic pigment, however, is something that not only benefits plants, but also benefits the health of people!
The Amazing Colors Nature Provides
In the pharmaceutical industry, there is a growing demand for substances that do not put patient’s health at risk. This has led to the need to find a naturally occurring substance that gives a vibrant color to medicines, food, and even cosmetics! Chlorophyll is used in so many industries today as a natural coloring agent, without the need to use harsh synthetic coloring agents or chemicals. The natural green of chlorophyll is hard to match in a laboratory setting, and because of this, scientists all over the world were able to discover all the benefits of using chlorophyll. Several other plant-derived coloring agents are used industry wide, such as turmeric, beetroot, and annatto. The natural rainbow of life supplies the purest version of color to items that we use every day!
Chlorophyll in Nature
Chlorophyll is one of the most abundant colorants found in nature and plays such an important role in supporting a plant’s life cycle. Plants receive their energy through a process called photosynthesis, and chlorophyll plays a key role in that process. In any part of a plant that has a green color, it is certain that the color is coming from chlorophyll. When sunlight hits a plant, the job of chlorophyll is to receive and store that sunlight and transform it into usable energy. This energy is then used to convert carbon dioxide into glucose, a form of sugar. Because plants that use the process of photosynthesis are the only organisms to get direct energy from the sun, chlorophyll is where every living creature retrieves its energy. According to National Geographic, “food webs in every type of ecosystem, from terrestrial to marine, begin with photosynthesis, chlorophyll can be considered a foundation for all life on Earth.”
Chlorophyll Health Benefits
Not only is chlorophyll the base of all living things on the planet, but consuming chlorophyll directly has some amazing health benefits. The consumption of chlorophyll stimulates blood circulation and improves oxygenation throughout your circulatory system. Aesthetically, we all care about our skin and the appearance of how healthy it looks. Luckily, chlorophyll has properties that reduce skin inflammation and tends to heal sun damaged skin. According to a 2015 study, “involving 10 people, [it was] found that using topical chlorophyllin over 8 weeks improved sun-damaged skin” (Sigler et al).
Chlorophyll also has cancer prevention properties. In recent and past studies conducted, it has shown that oral chlorophyll consumption had significantly reduced the growth of new tumors on, but not limited to, the pancreas, liver, and stomach. Chlorophyll has natural properties that prevent cancer causing toxins to enter the body and inflict harm on our most important organs.
Some other benefits of oral chlorophyll consumption include, but are not limited to:
Stimulates red blood cell production
Lowers cholesterol levels
Improves metabolism
Neutralizes high pH levels
Treats bacteria causing bad breath
Eliminates heavy metals and toxins from your bloodstream